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Every year SHPE National holds a nationwide election to determine the new members of the National Board of Directors (NBOD) and the Regional Student Representatives (RSRs).  The NBOD creates the vision and manages the organization for the upcoming year while the RSRs help guide the student chapters and provide a conduit for information from the students to the NBOD.  The election, conducted by the elections committee, occurs every spring.

The NBOD professional positions up for election this year are the National President, National Vice President, and Regional Vice Presidents for Regions 1, 3, 5 and 7. Their two-year term of office is from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013.

Three student members are also elected to the NBOD, the National and Vice National Undergraduate Representatives and the National Graduate Representative. Seven positions are also available for Regional Student Representatives, one from each region. The one-year term of office for student representatives is from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.

2011 SHPE National Elections Time-line (tentative)
February 15: Membership payment due to be eligible to run for office or vote
March 15: Nomination form with signatures, biography, and official transcripts also due for student positions* due
April 4: Ballots and biographies sent to eligible voters
April 25: Ballots due by 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time**
April 26: Ballots will be counted**
May 2: Winners and run-off election schedule (if necessary) announced
July 1: Winners take office
*Change for 2011 SHPE National Elections

If you have any questions please visit or contact

Naomi Hernandez
Elections Committee Chair

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Silicon Valley Professional Chapter
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