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Team 766 FIRST Robotics

Menlo-Atherton H.S. Robotics Team - Team 766

We are a FIRST robotics team based at Menlo-Atherton High School.  We are looking for mechanical, electrical or computer science engineers to be part of our mentoring team. We have good funding, a team of 35-40 students of which 25% are young women. Though 40% of our high school’s student body are Hispanic, we rarely have any Hispanic kids come to our open houses or respond to recruitment.  Currently, we have no Hispanic kids on a team of 37 students. I believe that if we had Hispanic mentors, it would make the difference, especially for our M-A students who are ESL.  We are deeply committed to diversity and are reaching out to you to see if any of your membership might be willing to become technical mentors or simply act in an advisory capacity. I would like to do what it takes to change the team demographics so that Hispanic kids at M-A who have a proclivity for STEM might join the team.

—Jennifer van Sijll / Lead Fundraiser / Team 766 / 650-759-0641

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